Sunday, October 28, 2007

Suggested name for a rock band...

Cut The Red Wire

Thursday, October 25, 2007

I'm Singin' in the Rain

Bumped into Gene Kelly this morning. We splashed around in the street for a little bit until some flatfoot chased us off.

Admittedly, the weather has spawned some odd behavior around town.

...and then the fireman rushes in
from the pouring rain - very strange.

A few blades of grass have even dared to turn green.

It's nice to finally get a some rain and a little fall weather. I know city fathers will be quick to point out that this rain does not mean that the drought is over, but I tend to see the reservoir as half full rather than half empty.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Another Casualty of the Drought

My brother-in-law has said that he suspects the car wash cartel is
behind the drought. He means, of course, that the new water
restrictions favor commercial car washes because citizens are no longer allowed to wash their cars at home.

I think he may have a point even though I understand the argument that commercial car washes recycle their water. But really, don't we all recycle to a certain degree.

I mean if I wash my car in the driveway and the runoff makes it to a nearby creek, don't the fish benefit. Even if their eyes are burning as a result of the harsh chemicals in the car soap, isn't there a net positive effect to having more water in the stream?

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Inspired by the Rain

This little bit of rainfall and the cool morning air have inspired me to envision a perfect day. The ingredients include a porch with a hammock, a giant oak tree and a gentle, all-day rain. The picture in my head does not include a cell phone, television, doorbell or children. My to do list has evaporated and the only sound I hear is the rain filtering down through the leaves of the oak. I have a book in the hammock with me, but it is laying open-faced on my chest like a small blanket. I close my eyes and...